Here’s one, a fake identity generator. It lets you select your name set, such as a Hobbit name, a Finnish name, a Japanese name or whatever you select. Additionally, it lets you select your country. For example, I selected a Hobbit name set with Australia as my country. Further, I selected my gender as 100 % male and age 30 years. After that when I hit the Generate button, it provided my fake identity as follows: Bodo Brownlock 38 Baker Street Green Valley WA 6330 Phone:(08) 9069 3632 Mother's Maiden name: Tûk Occupation:Ticket agent Company:Hit or Miss Weight:203.5 pounds (92.5 kilograms) Height:5' 9" (175 centimetres) What more, it also generates a QR code based on the fake information. Mine looked like this. Go on now, generate as many identities that you like, on this fake identity generator . Just don’t forget to save your QR codes; they look awesome. And while you’re at it, take a look at this . Technorati Tags: fake name generator , fake identity generator , ...
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