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very interesting facts of the world

Virga is a word for rain that is visible to the human eye but evaporates before it hits the ground.

Echolalia is the involuntary urge to imitate what someone else just said, the exact way they just said it.

Junk mail companies are actually charged more money if you send their mail back to them.

Every year, expert liars and tellers of tall tales meet at the Bridge Inn in Cumbria, England for the "World's Biggest Liar Competition". Lawyers and politicians are banned from participating, though.

Johnny Depp and Queen Elizabeth are 20th cousins.

Plants, like humans, can run a fever when they are sick.

A wedding ring goes on the left ring finger because it was said to be the only finger with a vein that connect directly to the heart.

Some consider it fit to exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you're doing.

About 108 billion people have lived on Earth.

Tropicana, Sierra Mist, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, and Aquafina are all owned by Pepsi.

88% people at some point in their life have tried to close the fridge slowly to see when the light goes out.

Wasps emit an "alarm pheromone" when you kill them, summoning the rest of their colony.

Iceland has no army and is recognized as the most peaceful country in the world.

Einstein was stopped so much in public, he would often reply, "Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein".

Calcium is not as good for your bones as Vitamin K. Avocados, peaches and bananas are much better for your bones than milk.

Writing down your negative thoughts and tossing them in the garbage can actually help you erase your bad mood.

It is illegal for a prisoner to wear pink bikini underwear in Oklahoma.

When night time thoughts are keeping you awake, write them all down. This clears your head and makes it easier to sleep.

Girl gamers tend to have more sex and be happier in their relationships than girls who don't play video games.

The rock regularly eaten by humans is the salt.

In Vermont, a woman can't wear false teeth without written permission from their husbands.

In Michigan it is illegal to chain an alligator to a fire hydrant.

The least expensive and most popular fruit in the world is the banana.

The only element that begins with the letter "K" is Krypton.

The ancient Romans dyed their hair with bird poop.

33% of the world's population can't snap with their fingers.

People in the Middle Ages threw eggs at the bride and groom.

There is only one kind of fruit that has its seeds on the outside. Strawberry.

Most burglaries take place in the winter.

A giraffe's tongue is black.

Oprah Winfrey owns a production company. It's name is Harpo - Oprah spelt backwards.


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