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exciting facts of the day

In the UK, adult characters on cereal packets look straight ahead, while children's characters look down at a 9.6 degree angle.

Sloths only defecate about once a week.

A Wiltshire town is confirmed as the longest continuous settlement in the United Kingdom, according to a 2014 study.

There can be up to 30 security features on a single bank note.

The code A113 is implanted in every Pixar movie.

In 2014, Sony developed a new storage tape that is able to hold up to 185 terabytes of data per cartridge.

A decade before the Internet became mainstream, French citizens were interacting via Minitel, a computer network open to anyone with a telephone.

Of all the religions, Hinduism celebrates the most festivals. Hindus spend 39 days a year recognizing the birthdays and milestones of hundreds of deities.

The world's biggest hailstone fell in 2010 in USA. It had a diameter of 20.3 cm and weighed 878 grams.

Eating an apple a day can boost sexual pleasure in healthy women.

Babies practise their first word in their heads for months before saying it out loud.

Baby turtles co-ordinate their hatching by talking to one another through their egg shells.

People started shaking hands with strangers to show that neither was holding a gun.

It takes the typical person 17 months and 26 days to get over an ex.

The human female egg is big enough to be seen with the naked eye.

Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people.

A teaspoon of honey is actually the lifework of 12 bees.

Humans sniff 10 types of smell. The thousands of aromas humans can smell can be sorted into 10 basic categories, according to scientists.

A librocubicularist is someone who reads in bed.

Listening to music can repair and make your immune system stronger.

The Snickers bar was named after a horse called "Snickers".

Chocolate, sex, and laughter makes you happier.

12/12/12 was the last repetitive date you saw in your lifetime.

People see you as being about 20% more attractive than you think you are.

The shiny coating you see on various candies is called "shellac" - a substance which is secreted from the anus of the female Lac bug.

New Zealand has an official Wizard appointed by the Prime Minister.

Fingernails and hair are the same material, Keratin.

Singing can help avoid depression and anxiety.

NASA wants to make interstellar travel possible within the next 100 years.

In the Middle Ages, mistakes and spelling errors made while writing were blamed on a "typo" demon named Titivillus.

When you want someone to be honest, all you really have to do is remind them of right and wrong.


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