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Showing posts from December, 2016

brush up on your adobe glossary

Mused by the jargon? Fret no more! Understanding these key words will help you work more efficiently with Adobe's Creative Cloud. >> PHOTOSHOP Adjustment Layer.   A layer containing an adjustment that helps to   improve colour and lighting. It includes gradient   mapping and Levels. It can be applied to only a   layer directly below, or to an entire image. Filters.   Filters can be applied directly to a layer or an   image, and have many uses, some of which  include the ability to blur or sharpen pixels, and   even render artistic effects. Gradient Map.   Gradient Maps are used to convert an image to  monochrome or to give it a new colour. Colour is  applied across an image according to its lightest  and darkest values, and offers a vast array of  colour mixes, as well as custom options for  creating effects. Refine Edge.   Photoshop's Refine Edge command is where you...