It can be tough when you're just starting out. Here, experts and ordinary folks offer creative survival strategies and tips for eating, going out and living well when money is tight. By Liz Pulliam Weston Take heart, college graduate. A lot of people who are prosperous now, started out just like you - broke and looking for ways to save a few bucks. It may seem hard to believe, but that banker in the sharp suit once recycled cans for beer money. The consultant who now vacations in Europe furnished his first home with yard-sale finds. And noodles-in-a-cup have played a role in more than a few 20-somethings' budgets. So if your bank balance is near zero and your next paycheck seems like a mirage shimmering on the far horizon, here are some tips from folks who have been there and lived to tell the tale: Cheap Eats . You probably already know that a $3-a-day latte habit will cost you more than $750 in a work year, and bringing lunches from home a couple times a week can sav...
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