Manga, giant robots and robotics in general, not-so-common cultures, ideas, ideas and ideas; Tokyo overdrive, Shinkansen , ofuro , electronics, futuristic sub-cultures, cubic watermelons and insatiable hunger for design. If you love these, you'll probably love Japan. Here are a couple of sites that provide you content from Land of the Rising Sun: Tokyo Mango - Everything you ever wanted to know about the birth city of Godzilla, Gundam, All-You-Can-Eat Shabu Shabu, Panty vending machines. Kirai - A blog about Japan written by a Spanish geek in Tokyo. Japander - Celebrity News from Japan. Tokyo Flash - Unique Japanese watches. While you’re at it, check out cubic watermelons that Japanese farmers have been growing for the past twelve years. Technorati Tags: all things japan , exhilarating tokyo , tokyo lights , tokyo highlights , living in japan , gaijin in japan , expat in japan , expat in tokyo , tokyo electronics , japanese watches
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