Extraordinary it does sound, but did you know that in Illinois, you may be arrested for speaking English ? Instead, make sure that you speak American the next time you visit Chicago! Sound interesting? Welcome to the list of bizarre laws in the US of A. Alaska – Whispering in someone’s ear while he’s moose hunting is prohibited. California – You may not eat an orange in your bathtub. Florida – If you tie an elephant to a parking meter, you must pay the same parking fee as you would for a vehicle. Hawaii – All residents may be fined for not owning a boat. Illinois – It is illegal to speak English. The officially recognized language is “American.” Kentucky – Every citizen is required to take a shower once a year. Massachusetts – No gorilla is allowed in the backseat of any car. Michigan – A woman may not cut her own hair without her husband’s permission. Nevada – It’s illegal for men with moustaches to kiss women. New York – While riding in an elevator, you must talk to no on...
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