A few facts that you might never come across, but your life will be incomplete without: One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. Humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year! La Giaconda is the real name for Mona Lisa. The E.Coli bacterium propels itself with a motor only one-millionth of an inch in diameter, a thousand times smaller than the tiniest motors built to date by man. The rotation of the bacterial motor comes from a current of protons. The efficiency of the motor approaches 100 per cent. The tune of The Star Spangled Banner was an old English drinking song. It was not made the official national anthem until 1931. There is only one intellectual game in which the computer is still no match for man, a game in which a competent teenager can beat the world’s most sophisticated computer program with ease: and that is the ancient Chinese board game Go, the oldest game in the world, and the only one at which man remains the undisputed champion. ...
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