Abandonware: It refers to computer software that is no longer current. While the term has been applied largely to older games, other classes of software are sometimes described as such. Adware: Software which is free to download and use but includes pop-up banner ads somewhere. Annoyware / Nagware: A type of shareware that frequently disrupts normal program operation to display requests for payment to the author in return for the ability to disable the request messages. Beerware: It is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek term for software released under a very relaxed license. It provides the end user with the right to use a particular program (or do anything else with the source code) if they buy the author a beer, or, in some variations, drink a beer in the author's honor. Bloatware: Software that provides minimal functionality while requiring a disproportionate amount of diskspace and memory. Catware: A type of otherware which requests the user to pet one or several cats. Charitywar...
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