Snowfall started today in Kathmandu at around 2:05 PM local time. It had been raining since yesterday night, with the Meteorogical Department announcing today morning that this heavy rainfall would continue throughout the day. Maybe they did not want to let the surprise out, which is why folks at the Meteolrogical Department made no comments about the incoming snowfall. Local residents in Koteshwar came out on their roofs to witness this rare event while school children danced with joy at the sight which they had never seen before. "We are excited", said Samy Malla, who was holding out hands to feel the snowfall. Meanwhile, people at coffee shops and restaurants came out on the street to experience their first snowfall in Kathmandu City. Thirty-six year old Pasa, who runs a grocery store in Koteshwar, said, "I have never seen snowfall in our city and I'm shutting down the store today to play with my kids in the snow." However, the snowfall didn't last long a...